Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Racial Harmony Day

Racial Harmony Day was created to remind us of our silly mistakes that we made in the past when we were not sensitive of other cultures causing riots between the Europeans and the Asians.. On Monday, during the morning assembly the entire school had to say the pledge in chinese, to commemorate the start of Racial Harmony Week. During assembly later, there was a dance performance, performed by different professional dance groups of different races.

Tomorow on Thursaday, there will be a charity bazaar by the secondary 2 students. The theme of the bazaar is 'kampong'. The different classes will be selling different foods and opening different game stalls.I feel the it is very important to have a racial harmony week as it will helps us understand that making fun of other races is not something to be proud of, but instead extremely disrespectful. It also shows that it is not all about fun and games but we have to be sensitive towards people from other races, languages or religions.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Personal Portfolio Article 3

On Monday, 2nd August, East Spring Secondary School organized a Charity Bazaar.As a sec1 i saw how hard the sec2s worked advertising for their class and promoting their items.Here i have alvin, he is a sec2 he ran a stall that sold bubble tea.The bubbletea was made by the class themselves and then sold.The different classes had creative ideas, for example one sec 2 class gave free hugs and sold pouches and ear pieces.As a sec 1 i enjoyed the bazaar and i believe others did too as well!

Personal Portfolio Article 2

On a sunny Wednesday afternoon, there were many CCA's going on but one particular CCA attracted our attention.It was basketball , as they were in the hot sun running around in their yellow jerseys.The sun was so hot they looked like they were bathing in their sweat ,but they still continued training.
When they went to have a break we interviewed one of them(who does not want to be named).

Are you in the school team?If no. Why do you think you are not in the school team?

What did you do to get into the school team?
Nothing!I just played how i usually play and got in.

So you are good in basketball?
I think so.

Can you dunk?
No im too short but the older people in the B division can . I think they look so cool doing it .I wish i could dunk too!

Are there any other sports you play besides basketball?
Of course , but im not as good at other sports as i am in  basketball.

After the interview he went to have a another drink of water and was soon in blazing sun training again.As we left we could still see them in the hot sun doing their best.

Personal Portfolio Article 1

In the hot, sweaty and humid Kallang Stadium, there were many activities happening at once. There was High jump, the long jumps, the sprints and many more .We sat in a section where there were many other people from many other schools. Beside us there were almost a millions of supporters from the countries rooting for their team. There were a huge group of enthusiastic supporters shouting and cheering their team on .

I went to get some dinner but changed my mind when I realized a drink was $2 and some fried rice cost $3.I saw some others eating the rice when I walked back to the stand and when I saw their reactions after they took their first bite I was glad I had decided not to buy it.

The event ended with a magnificent fireworks display apart from the price of things there everything else was great especially the atmosphere.