Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Racial Harmony Day

Racial Harmony Day was created to remind us of our silly mistakes that we made in the past when we were not sensitive of other cultures causing riots between the Europeans and the Asians.. On Monday, during the morning assembly the entire school had to say the pledge in chinese, to commemorate the start of Racial Harmony Week. During assembly later, there was a dance performance, performed by different professional dance groups of different races.

Tomorow on Thursaday, there will be a charity bazaar by the secondary 2 students. The theme of the bazaar is 'kampong'. The different classes will be selling different foods and opening different game stalls.I feel the it is very important to have a racial harmony week as it will helps us understand that making fun of other races is not something to be proud of, but instead extremely disrespectful. It also shows that it is not all about fun and games but we have to be sensitive towards people from other races, languages or religions.

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